The adventures of Tyrone in Tokyo and beyond...

Monday 19 November 2007

End the Senate majority

Have been meaning to post for a while, lest someone reports my death.
I just read this, and deemed it important enough to break my posting drought...
From -
At the time [of the Coalition gaining majority in the Senate], John Howard promised to use his Senate majority 'wisely, soberly, and sensibly'. But in the last two years, the Senate has become nothing but a rubber stamp for the Government -- in 2006 our Senate passed 100% of Government-sponsored amendments, while rejecting 98% of amendments proposed by other parties.
No matter how you vote in the lower house, don't vote for the coalition in the Senate. This abuse of the Senate, which is supposed to act as "a house of review" on legislation, has got to stop. It is highly unlikely Labor will reach a majority, but if you're worried about that vote for the Greens or the Democrats.

Also, if you want to know which candidate (in the lower house) has your priorities in mind, and the order to place the candidates on your ballot, check out This will allow you to find out who is really acting in your best interest.


Unknown said...

I got the Family First candidate. I don't trust that website.

SpacePup said...

ah!! Or maybe I don't trust you Anita...

Hewhoblogs said...

They told me to vote for the ALP, and then the greens second. The greens candidate for Moreton is Emma Hine, Austin's girlfriend.

How cool is that?

Hewhoblogs said...

Also I agree with Tyrone. What the fuck did you answer to those questions to get Family First first?

Unknown said...

I told them that the sanctity of a two parent (one male and one female, of course) family should be emphasised above everything else, that all heathens should die and that God should have more power in the senate.

I did say full rights to homosexual couples though. I wonder what they thought of that.