The adventures of Tyrone in Tokyo and beyond...

Sunday 8 April 2007

still here... just lazy

erm so apparently some of my dear friends were concerned I'd stopped blogging...

well I'm still here, and have been meaning to update my blog for a while, but well... I'm really a very lazy person, and posting these blogs really does take a lot of effort :P Plus I've been working a lot lately, and have also been distracted by a CD sent to me by a very naughty person...

so in the meantime, enjoy these photos of cherry blossum trees, taken at a place called Sakura-dori ( Cherry Blossom street, or as I like to call it, Cherry Tree Lane) in Goko.



And some photos (courtesy of the lovely Carrie) from a Hanami party I went to last Sunday- a hanami party involves sitting under the cherry blossoms eating and drinking. Lots of fun, and many wonderful people! Such as:

Ich (I think?!), Carrie, Misuzu, and Sara

Misuzu and Carrie

and again! (sexy poses)

1 comment:

Sweetpea said...

snagged the first cherry blossom pic for my desktop - you're a doll!